New Venture Launch: Ray + Trina Jones in Northumberland County, ON

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Ray and Trina Jones are planning to establish a network of home churches throughout Northumberland County, giving more people access to intentional Gospel-focused communities.

What is this?

Captivated by the mission of God to restore lives and with a desire to see more people learn what it means to follow Jesus in all areas of life, Ray and Trina believe that house churches will be the best way to reach people in Northumberland County.

Why Northumberland?

Port Hope, Brighton, Campbellford and Roseneath are all communities that find a home in Northumberland County which is home to over 90,000 people. Northumberland rests east of Toronto off of Lake Ontario and has an amazing landscape of rolling hills, vast farmland, parks and the Trent Severn Waterway System. More and more families are choosing a life in Northumberland County as the GTA extends east and cost of living grows in the city. Many of the smaller communities that make up Northumberland County have aging churches with few active and accessible communities that invite people to learn the way of love - the way of Jesus.

Why now?

This semi-rural county is likely to see much more development and growth in the next 10 years as the GTA continues to expand, and it is critical to establish a network of communities that are learning to see what God is doing in this area and how to respond. Ray and Trina feel a special calling to their neighbours in Northumberland, with the belief that calling is always rooted in sharing the gospel with those you are brushing shoulders with regularly.

Ray writes, “So many people are striving for a ‘better life’ and don’t know what it means to be with Jesus, become like him and live that difference - doing the things that Jesus would do if he were in their shoes. We believe that the ‘better life’ that is being sought is really the abundant life that Jesus offers. We want to help folks learn that this is an all-of-life thing, not just something that happens in a religious building once a week.”

Where can I learn more?

Learn more about our latest New Venture by visiting New Venture: Northumberland (now, Open Table Communities).

Can I help?

You bet! Here are a few ways you can join the Joneses on mission in Northumberland.


The Joneses are asking people to pray for them in the following ways:

  • That we would discern the voice of Jesus together in community and have the courage to respond in obedience.

  • That we would have wisdom in our planning and building of the foundations of New Venture: Northumberland.

  • That enough financial support would be provided by April 1st so that we can focus our attention on these early stages of the New Venture.


Please consider supporting this New Venture financially on a monthly basis for the next couple of years.  Like any new “start-up,” the Jonese recognize that they cannot do this without the generosity of others who want to dream with them of a new reality for this part of the world. If you are part of a church or an organization and would like to establish a partnership, you can contact Ray, or give a gift to Open Table Communities today.


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