Northwind Gathering navigates changes

New Ventures have been quick to try new things in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and new social distancing practices. Here’s a story about what one community has been doing.

Northwind’s community rooms remain empty for now.

Northwind’s community rooms remain empty for now.

NorthWind Family Ministries is an organization, that offers counselling and spiritual care, out of centres in Northern Alberta and Thunder Bay. You might remember reading about how New Ventures has partnered with The Northwind Gathering, to encourage the growth and development of their weekly meal and Bible study. This weekly gathering along with many other programs at Northwind has been impacted by the current pandemic.

The majority of people that attend Northwind's programs come from northern fly-in communities. Families usually wait for up to eight months to get into these programs. The COVID19 pandemic has  caused delays and safety concerns that have made this wait time even longer.

In the meantime, Northwind's Compass team, a team made up of mental health workers, a children’s worker, a youth worker, and LifeBuild Coach, is waiting anxiously to offer support to northern communities once the pandemic stabilizes and non-community members are permitted to enter the communities.

The NorthWind Action Team (NAT) which usually provides support to the elderly and physically vulnerable are now connecting to food-banks and dropping off supplies to those who need them.Do you have an encouraging story to share about something new Jesus is doing in your community in response to the COVID pandemic?

Before the pandemic, Northwind launched a program called Cooking For Life. The program is geared to support those who access the food banks but struggle to use the items they receive. This new program had barely gotten underway when the pandemic hit.

So, Kyla, the program lead, has regrouped and is preparing to do things a bit differently. Using a selection of purchased grocery items and the dehydrated food packs, she will make up packages for shut-in participants, and have them delivered with zero contact.

Families can then join on their phone or tablet and follow along as they would a recipe in their own kitchens.

This altered plan is providing assistance with food security at a time when many participants are feeling the loss of closed soup kitchens, food banks, and the Northwind Gathering. Its giving people a sense of community as loneliness envelops many who already were struggling with healthy connections. It has also become a source of encouragement as the NorthWind Action Team and the Cooking for Life coaches engage with these families.

Do you have a story about how you and your community have been navigating change or trying new things?

Encouraged by the new things God is doing at Northwind Gathering?

Here are some ways you can join them on mission:

Pray for them.

Pray for Northwind Community as they find new opportunities to care for northern communities!

Consider a financial gift.

All donations received are processed through Canada Helps and will receive a tax receipt. The funds go directly to the New Venture to be used toward their development and ministry needs.

Visit the Northwind Gathering profile here.