An emerging community in Southern Manitoba

Ever since he was a teenager, Henry Dueck was drawn to simple worship gatherings at youth nights, retreats, camp, or just sitting around a campfire. Eventually he went full-time into music ministry at Morden Alliance, and over time he began to prayerfully dream about what to do in local places with little church presence. At a District Conference he received an image of a map with a network of many lights that could draw others to Jesus and that’s where the idea of a New Venture was birthed. With the blessing of the team at Morden Alliance, Henry is stepping into this new expression.

LIGHTS manitoba is a network of people taking the light of Jesus into the darkness. Their mission is to empower musicians and artists in Southern Manitoba to multiply small gatherings that love and follow Jesus, the light of the world.

This New Venture is made possible through the support of Morden Alliance, Simple Gatherings, and the Canadian Midwest District.

WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM | @lightsmanitoba FACEBOOK | LIGHTS manitoba

Join LIGHTS manitoba on mission


Pray with the team at LIGHTS manitoba for…

  • Clarity of mind, knowing where to focus energy.

  • The right partnerships to develop with people who share the same vision.

  • Sustainable funding.

  • God to prepare the hearts of the people he wants to draw to himself through this New Venture.


You can offer financial support to LIGHTS manitoba as a church or individual through the link below.